Monster Fish
Aquatic ecologist Zeb Hogan gets up close and personal with bizarre giants of the water.
- 44:28S6 E4 - Giant Killer CatfishZeb goes to France to see a giant Wels catfish for himself.TV-PG | 01.21.2019
- 44:28S6 E3 - 400 lb Super StingerZeb Hogan searches for a 400-pound short-tailed river ray.TV-PG | 01.21.2019
- 44:28S6 E2 - Shark Eating GoliathZeb is on a mission to catch a 7-foot goliath grouper.TV-14 | 01.21.2019
- 44:28S6 E1 - Vampire FishZeb Hogan is looking for the vampire fish.TV-PG | 01.21.2019
- 44:27S5 E6 - River JawsA search for Australia's dangerous river shark species.TV-PG | 08.11.2014
- 44:28S5 E5 - Silver DevilDeep in the rainforest of Nicaragua, Zeb Hogan is on a mission to track down a powerful predator that can grow up to eight feet long and nearly 300 pounds.TV-PG | 08.04.2014
- 44:28S5 E4 - FrankenfishSearching for monster snakehead in Thailand and Florida.TV-PG | 07.28.2014
- 44:28S5 E3 - Amazon ShockerSearching the Brazilian Amazon for electric eel.TV-PG | 07.21.2014
- 44:27S5 E2 - River WolfDr. Zeb Hogan hunts for the biggest wolf fish he can find.TV-PG | 07.14.2014
- 44:28S5 E1 - World's Biggest StingrayRiver rays reportedly growing up to 16 feet.TV-PG | 07.07.2014
- 45:28S4 E6 - River Shark!A quest to catch a "river shark" in Fla.TV-14 | 08.09.2013
- 45:28S4 E5 - Jungle JawsZeb Hogan travels to the jungles of Malaysia.TV-PG | 08.02.2013
- 45:28S4 E4 - 600 lb. GoldfishZeb looks for a cow-sized goldfish in Thailand and Cambodia.TV-PG | 07.26.2013
- 45:28S4 E3 - Green GoliathAn elusive giant green sturgeon.TV-PG | 07.19.2013
- 45:28S4 E2 - SalmonzillaZeb Hogan seeks to catch the elusive king salmon in Alaska.TV-PG | 07.12.2013
- 45:28S4 E1 - Giant CatfishFishermen tell of giant catfish.TV-PG | 07.05.2013
- 45:32S3 E7 - Jumping Giants of LaosFish are able to climb the Khone Falls, a large waterfall.TV-PG | 08.19.2011
- 45:32S3 E6 - American BehemothThe declining population of the large freshwater Paddlefish.TV-PG | 08.12.2011
- 44:28S3 E5 - India's River DevilThe Goonch is a large catfish accused of killing people.TV-PG | 08.05.2011
- 45:28S3 E4 - Russian GiantsRussian's remote Kamchatka, home to millions of salmon.TV-PG | 07.29.2011
- 44:18S3 E3 - Australian River KingAustralia's Murray Cod can weigh in at 250 pounds.TV-PG | 07.22.2011
- 45:28S3 E2 - Giant EelsThe longfin eel and its cousin, the giant mottled eel.TV-PG | 07.15.2011
- 45:28S3 E1 - Predators of the OutbackIn the dry season outback predators compete for food.TV-PG | 07.08.2011
- 46:18S2 E6 - Monsters of the NileNile perch in Lake Victoria and the Nile River in Uganda.TV-PG | 08.30.2010
- 46:18S2 E5 - Catfish KingDr. Hogan searches for the wels catfish in Spain.TV-PG | 08.09.2010
- 44:26S2 E4 - Jungle CatfishThe Rio Roosevelt in Brazil's Amazon basin.TV-PG | 08.02.2010
- 46:18S2 E3 - Giants of ThailandZeb travels Thailand in search of giant fish.TV-PG | 07.26.2010
- 46:18S2 E2 - Alligator GarZeb Hogan searches the southern U.S. for the alligator gar.TV-PG | 07.19.2010
- 46:18S2 E1 - Flying CarpCarp from China in the Mississippi River basin.TV-PG | 06.18.2010
- 44:21S1 E7 - Monster Fish of AmericaZeb Hogan travels in search of the white sturgeon.TV-G | 11.02.2009
- 46:14S1 E6 - Monster Fish of AustraliaAs part of his Megafishes Project, Zeb Hogan heads to the Australian outback on an expedition to find the elusive sawfish, which looks like a cross between a shark, a stingray and a chainsaw and can grow to 22 feet long.TV-G | 12.31.2010
- 46:29S1 E5 - Hunt for the Monster FishJoin fish biologist, conservationist and National Geographic Explorer Zeb Hogan to see the most extreme encounters in mega-fishing and the groundbreaking research being done to protect these fish.TV-PG | 07.27.2009
- 46:08S1 E4 - Monster Fish of MongoliaAquatic ecologist Zeb Hogan continues his quest to find and protect the world's largest freshwater fish in the frigid rivers of Mongolia. He will travel by plane, truck, and horseback to find the largest trout known as the Hucho taimen.TV-PG | 12.31.2010
- 46:14S1 E3 - Monster Fish of ThailandJoin Dr. Zeb Hogan, National Geographic Explorer, as he finds a world record breaker: one of the largest and deadliest freshwater fish, the giant freshwater stingray.TV-PG | 05.06.2009
- 46:14S1 E2 - Monster Fish of the MekongZeb Hogan has a quest to save fish from extinction.TV-PG | 10.21.2008
- 46:14S1 E1 - Monster Fish of the AmazonSearching for some of the biggest freshwater fish in Brazil.TV-PG | 04.05.2008